Thursday 4 February 2016

29) “If the Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning Eastwards over 1000mph, this should somewhere somehow be seen, heard, felt or measured by someone, yet no one in history has ever experienced this alleged Eastward motion; meanwhile, however, we can hear, feel and experimentally measure even the slightest Westward breeze.”
I’m tempted to say that we have measured it since the first human looked up and saw the sun, moon and stars appear to move above them, but I know you wouldn’t accept that because you use the universal excuse “all a conspiracy”.  

You can't see it; you are moving with it. You can't hear it; hearing is sound, and sound is a pressure wave in that spinning atmosphere. You can measure it  [Wikipedia/Earth's Rotation/Empirical tests:
·         Newton predicted that the earth's rotation would flatten the poles and bulge the equator. This was found in the 1730s. 
·         The differing rotation of cyclones in the Northern and Southern hemispheres are due to the coriolis force, which is due to the earth spinning. We will see this again atPoint 141.
·         The eastward deviation of a body dropped from a height, suggested by Newton in 1679, was independently measured by Guglielmini, Benzenberg and Reich. For instance, a ball dropped from 158.5m departs 24.7mm from the vertical. 

·         The most celebrated test is the Foucault pendulum, built in 1851 (see point 140

A rather nice leaflet on the Coriolis force can be found on the Grenoble Institute of Technology website. 

As you can see, it is measurable and has been measured. For instance, airplanes have to account for it. Daimonie give detailed descriptions and references on his blog at point 29

Why can’t we feel the movement?

Our human bodies can’t actually feel movement as such; what we feel is a change in the direction or speed of movement. When a vehicle  accelerates we feel our bodies pressed back into the seat. When it brakes, our bodies ‘try’ to keep moving ahead at the same speed, so we are thrown forward. When the car hits a bump, we jiggle up and down a little. Roughness in the road makes the car vibrate a little.  But none of these apply to the whole earth. There's more on this in the reply to point 121 when Mr Dubay (you've guessed it) repeats the same argument again.

 Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the Earth really is a spinning sphere. Exactly what would we expect it to feel like? Do you think it should shake and wobble like a car on a bad road? Why? It isn’t on a bad road. It moves smoothly at a steady pace in the vacuum, with no lumps and bumps and no change to its acceleration from moment to moment. So what SHOULD we feel?

Imagine you are in a very smoothly running train, travelling very quietly along  at an even, steady speed along a dead straight track, with no jiggles or bounces. It doesn’t matter whether the train is on a flat or spherical earth for this thought experiment. 

So, close your eyes. Can you tell that you are moving? No, even though we know that you are in this situation. There would be know way to tell without slowing the train, or making it change course, or jumping out – none of which is possible with the Earth. So what we experience is exactly what we’d expect to experience if the earth is rotating smoothly and a fixed speed.

Accept just for the sake of argument, that the Earth really is a spinning sphere. Exactly what would we expect it to feel like? Do you think it should shake and wobble like a car on a bad road? Why? It isn’t on a bad road. It moves smoothly at a steady pace in the vacuum, with no lumps and bumps and no change to its acceleration from moment to moment. So what SHOULD we feel?

Of course, in a car or train you could look out of the windows. But that’s what we do when we look at the stars.

We don’t every feel the speed we are moving at, in vehicles or on the Earth’s surface, when that speed is smooth and even. We can only feel changes in the speed or direction of movement when it changes. Otherwise nothing presses on our feet or backs in a different way so we could feel a difference. And there no change to  move the parts of our inner ears that give a sense of balance, turning and sideways motion (or do you deny biology too?)

Here is an explanation of how we feel changes in movement:

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